Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
US$300,000 Itapema Four Star
May 14 - 19, 2019
(Q8) Lezana Placette/Alexia Richard, France
Lézana Placette
Photo: FIVB
Personal Info
Birth Date: Dec 11, 1997 (27 yrs old)
Home Town: Croix
Height: 180 cm (5'11")
Weight: 70 kg (154 lb)
Seasons: 11
Tournaments: 72
Career Wins: 1 (FIVB Montpellier 2019)
Career Winnings: US$69,669.17
Alexia Richard
Photo: FIVB
Personal Info
Birth Date: Apr 3, 1996 (28 yrs old)
Home Town: La Teste de Buch
Height: 184 cm (6'0")
Weight: 76 kg (167 lb)
Seasons: 11
Tournaments: 69
Career Best: 3rd (FIVB Haikou 2024)
Career Winnings: US$69,144.92
Team Career Summary 
FIVB600012611418657702 US$135,304.50
FIVB Age Group WC3000000002000010 US$0.00
Overall6300126114110657712 US$135,304.50
Previous Itapema Results  Neither player has played in this venue before
Recent Results 
FIVB 4/29-5/4/2019 Kuala Lumpur Three Star 21 9th 300 US$2,000.00
FIVB 4/23-28/2019 Xiamen Four Star Q15 33rd 160 US$0.00
FIVB 3/6-10/2019 Sydney Three Star 20 9th 300 US$2,000.00
FIVB 1/2-6/2019 The Hague Four Star Q5 41st 40 US$0.00
FIVB 10/24-28/2018 Chetumal Three Star 16 9th 300 US$2,000.00
FIVB 9/30-10/4/2018 Qinzhou Three Star 18 25th 180 US$1,000.00
FIVB 7/25-29/2018 Tokyo Three Star 16 25th 180 US$1,000.00
FIVB 7/17-22/2018 Haiyang Three Star 9 9th 300 US$2,000.00
FIVB 7/3-7/2018 Espinho Four Star 30 17th 320 US$3,000.00
FIVB 6/14-17/2018 Nanjing Two Star 13 19th 150 US$1,300.00
Itapema Four Star Matches
Wed, 5/15/2019 Qualifier 2 Ana Gallay / Fernanda Pereyra, Argentina (32, Q9) Lost 13-21, 21-16, 12-15 0:46
Head to Head Results
Placette/Richard trail the series against the field 2-9 (Lead 2 Series, Trail 8 Series, 0 Series Tied)
DateTourTournamentRoundWinning TeamSeedLosing TeamSeedScoreTime
Trail the series against # 4 Bansley/Wilkerson, Canada 0-2
10/25/18FIVBChetumal Three Star Pool A Bansley/Wilkerson 1 Placette/Richard 16 14-21, 21-11, 15-8 0:41
7/5/18FIVBEspinho Four Star Pool C Bansley/Wilkerson 3 Placette/Richard 30 19-21, 21-10, 15-4 0:42
Trail the series against # 5 Klineman/Ross, United States 0-1
1/3/18FIVBThe Hague Four Star Qualifier 2 Klineman/Ross 13, Q2 Placette/Richard Q18 21-15, 21-11 0:30
Trail the series against # 7 Hughes/Ross, United States 0-1
7/6/18FIVBEspinho Four Star Winner 1 Hughes/Ross 6 Placette/Richard 30 21-15, 21-12 0:30
Trail the series against # 11 Kolinske/Stockman, United States 0-1
7/21/18FIVBHaiyang Three Star Winner 2 Kolinske/Stockman 2 Placette/Richard 9 21-13, 21-13 0:30
Trail the series against # 13, Q2 Antunes/Lima, Brazil 0-1
4/24/19FIVBXiamen Four Star Qualifier 2 Antunes/Lima 22, Q2 Placette/Richard Q15 21-12, 21-18 0:33
Trail the series against # 18, Q3 Sweat/Walsh Jennings, United States 0-1
10/26/18FIVBChetumal Three Star Winner 2 Sweat/Walsh Jennings 3 Placette/Richard 16 21-13, 17-21, 15-10 0:44
Lead the series against # 23 Pridalova/Strbova, Slovakia 1-0
7/5/18FIVBEspinho Four Star Pool C Placette/Richard 30 Pridalova/Strbova 19 21-16, 19-21, 15-9 0:44
Trail the series against # 25 McNamara/McNamara, Canada 0-1
7/31/14FIVB Age Group WCUnder 19 World Championships Pool A McNamara/McNamara 13 Placette/Richard 12 21-19, 21-14 0:43
Lead the series against # 26 Lunde/Ulveseth, Norway 1-0
5/2/19FIVBKuala Lumpur Three Star Winner 1 Placette/Richard 21 Lunde/Ulveseth 13 21-14, 15-21, 19-17 0:58
Trail the series against # 32, Q9 Gallay/Pereyra, Argentina 0-1
5/15/19FIVBItapema Four Star Qualifier 2 Gallay/Pereyra 32, Q9 Placette/Richard Q8 21-13, 16-21, 15-12 0:46