Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
€ 10,000 2022 VW Beach Pro Tour Futures - Bialystok
June 23 - 26, 2022
(Q10) Jumpei Ikeda/Kensuke Shoji, Japan
Jumpei Ikeda
Photo: FIVB
Personal Info
Birth Date: Mar 5, 1993 (32 yrs old)
Home Town: Kumamoto
Height: 190 cm (6'3")
Weight: 88 kg (194 lb)
Seasons: 7
Tournaments: 33
Career Best: 2nd (2 times)
Career Winnings: US$2,310.83
Kensuke Shoji
Photo: FIVB
Personal Info
Birth Date: Feb 13, 1990 (35 yrs old)
Home Town: Tottori
Height: 182 cm (6'0")
Weight: 83 kg (183 lb)
Seasons: 8
Tournaments: 38
Career Wins: 1 (FIVB Rubavu 2019)
Career Winnings: US$4,131.10
Team Career Summary 
FIVB8010000111301 US$1,000.00
Previous Bialystok Results  Neither player has played in this venue before
Recent Results 
FIVB 6/16-19/2022 Balikesir Futures Q7 17th 100 € 0.00
Bialystok Futures Matches
Thu, 6/23/2022 Qualifier 1 Philipp Huster / Benedikt Sagstetter, Germany (13, Q7) Lost 15-21, 19-21 0:40
Head to Head Results
Ikeda/Shoji trail the series against the field 0-3 (Lead 0 Series, Trail 3 Series, 0 Series Tied)
DateTourTournamentRoundWinning TeamSeedLosing TeamSeedScoreTime
Trail the series against # 7 Friedl/Trummer, Austria 0-1
7/25/18FIVBTokyo Three Star Qualifier 1 Friedl/Trummer 28, Q6 Ikeda/Shoji Q11 21-12, 21-18 0:37
Trail the series against # 13, Q7 Huster/Sagstetter, Germany 0-1
6/23/22FIVBBialystok Futures Qualifier 1 Huster/Sagstetter 13, Q7 Ikeda/Shoji Q10 21-15, 21-19 0:40
Trail the series against # Q1 Hartles/Nicklin, New Zealand 0-1
6/16/22FIVBBalikesir Futures Qualifier 2 Hartles/Nicklin 10, Q2 Ikeda/Shoji Q7 21-17, 17-21, 15-11 0:46