AVP Tour
$250,000 AVP Gold Series Manhattan Beach
August 16 - 19, 2018
(25) Katie Jameson/Tracy Jones
Katie Lindquist Jameson
Photo: Ed Chan
Personal Info
Birth Date: Dec 23, 1977 (47 yrs old)
Home Town: Fountain Valley, CA
Height: 5'6"
College(s): San Diego
Seasons: 16
Tournaments: 122
Career Best: 3rd (4 times)
Career AVP Best: 3rd (3 times)
Career Winnings: $152,913.50
Tracy Lindquist Jones
Photo: Ed Chan
Personal Info
Birth Date: Mar 17, 1981 (44 yrs old)
Home Town: Fountain Valley, CA
Height: 5'6"
College(s): Southern California
Seasons: 16
Tournaments: 116
Career Best: 2nd (2 times)
Career AVP Best: 3rd (3 times)
Career Winnings: $168,868.50
Team Career Summary 
AVP10500307123520253 $290,105.00
BVA10000000010 $1,032.00
FIVB10000000001 US$1,500.00
FIVB C&S10010000000 US$3,100.00
Overall10800407123520264 US$295,737.00
Previous Manhattan Beach Results 
YearPartner - ResultPartner - Result
2001 Sarah White - 17th Did not play
2002 Heather Lowe - 13th Did not play
2003 Tracy Jones - 9th Katie Jameson - 9th
2004 Tracy Jones - 9th Katie Jameson - 9th
2005 Tracy Jones - 17th Katie Jameson - 17th
2006 Tracy Jones - 13th Katie Jameson - 13th
2007 Tracy Jones - 9th Katie Jameson - 9th
2008 Tracy Jones - 7th Katie Jameson - 7th
2009 Tracy Jones - 7th Katie Jameson - 7th
Pro Beach 2011 Did not play Jennifer Fopma - 2nd
Pro Beach 2012 Heather Lowe - 17th Did not play
2016 Tracy Jones - 17th Katie Jameson - 17th
Recent Results 
FIVB 5/1-6/2018 Huntington Beach Four Star 43, Q5 25th 180 US$1,500.00
AVP Gold Series Manhattan Beach Matches
Fri, 8/17/2018 Winner 1 Karissa Cook / Katie Spieler (8) Lost 26-24, 16-21, 11-15 1:02
PlayerGameAttacksKillsErrorsHitting Pct.BlocksDigsAcesService Errors
Katie JamesonTotal241110.41701312
Tracy JonesTotal582660.34501900
Fri, 8/17/2018 Contender 1 Meghan Mannari / Taylor Nyquist (24) Lost 21-11, 18-21, 12-15 0:44
PlayerGameAttacksKillsErrorsHitting Pct.BlocksDigsAcesService Errors
Katie JamesonTotal231430.47801543
Tracy JonesTotal331420.3640722
Overall Tournament Stats
PlayerAttacksKillsErrorsHitting Pct.BlocksDigsAcesService Errors
Katie Jameson472540.44702855
Tracy Jones914080.35202622
Head to Head Results
Jameson/Jones trail the series against the field 1-3 (Lead 1 Series, Trail 3 Series, 0 Series Tied)
DateTourTournamentRoundWinning TeamSeedLosing TeamSeedScoreTime
Trail the series against # 8 Cook/Spieler 0-1
8/17/18AVPAVP Gold Series Manhattan Beach Winner 1 Cook/Spieler 8 Jameson/Jones 25 24-26, 21-16, 15-11 1:02
Trail the series against # 13 Davis/Scarbrough 0-1
7/15/16AVPAVP Manhattan Beach Open Winner 1 Davis/Scarbrough 16 Jameson/Jones 17, Q1 12-21, 22-20, 15-9 0:50
Trail the series against # 24 Mannari/Nyquist 0-1
8/17/18AVPAVP Gold Series Manhattan Beach Contender 1 Mannari/Nyquist 24 Jameson/Jones 25 11-21, 21-18, 15-12 0:44
Lead the series against # 26, Q9 Newberry/Sparks 1-0
5/2/18FIVBHuntington Beach Four Star Qualifier 2 Jameson/Jones 43, Q5 Newberry/Sparks Q12 21-18, 19-21, 15-12 0:45