CEV Under Age
U18 European Championships
June 13 - 16, 2019
(26) Alexandru Ciubotariu/Patric Creta, Romania
Alexandru Emanuel Ciubotariu
Photo: CEV
Personal Info
Birth Date: Feb 24, 2003 (21 yrs old)
Home Town: Arad
Seasons: 1
Tournaments: 1
Career Best: 25th (CEV Under Age Baden 2019)
Career Winnings: US$0.00
Patric David Creta
Photo not available
Personal Info
Birth Date: Feb 26, 2003 (21 yrs old)
Home Town: Arad
Seasons: 1
Tournaments: 1
Career Best: 25th (CEV Under Age Baden 2019)
Career Winnings: US$0.00
Team Career Summary 
CEV Under Age10000000001 US$0.00
Previous Baden Results  Neither player has played in this venue before
Recent Results  1st Tournament
U18 European Championships Matches
Thu, 6/13/2019 Pool G Siem Ooijman / Kyran Versteegen, Netherlands (7) Lost 15-21, 9-21 0:28
Fri, 6/14/2019 Pool G Filippo Fusco / Theo Hanni, Italy (10) Lost 13-21, 12-21 0:28
Fri, 6/14/2019 Pool G Domonkos Doczi / Marcell Mikulass, Hungary (23) Lost 16-21, 17-21 0:34
Head to Head Results
Ciubotariu/Creta trail the series against the field 0-3
DateTourTournamentRoundWinning TeamSeedLosing TeamSeedScoreTime
Trail the series against # 7 Ooijman/Versteegen, Netherlands 0-1
6/13/19CEV Under AgeU18 European Championships Pool G Ooijman/Versteegen 7 Ciubotariu/Creta 26 21-15, 21-9 0:28
Trail the series against # 10 Fusco/Hanni, Italy 0-1
6/14/19CEV Under AgeU18 European Championships Pool G Fusco/Hanni 10 Ciubotariu/Creta 26 21-13, 21-12 0:28
Trail the series against # 23 Doczi/Mikulass, Hungary 0-1
6/14/19CEV Under AgeU18 European Championships Pool G Doczi/Mikulass 23 Ciubotariu/Creta 26 21-16, 21-17 0:34