Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
US$150,000 Spain Open
August 7 - 11, 2002
Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil
Paulo Roberto "Paulão" Moreira da Costa
Personal Info
Birth Date: Apr 29, 1969 (55 yrs old)
Home Town: Salvador
Height: 193 cm (6'4")
Weight: 95 kg (209 lb)
Seasons: 13
Tournaments: 87
Career Wins: 7
Career Winnings: US$365,187.50
Paulo Emilio Silva Azevedo
Photo: FIVB
Personal Info
Birth Date: Dec 14, 1969 (54 yrs old)
Home Town: Salvador (BA)
Height: 191 cm (6'3")
Weight: 85 kg (187 lb)
Seasons: 15
Tournaments: 92
Career Wins: 5
Career Winnings: US$358,537.50
Team Career Summary 
FIVB605238661501314222 US$484,575.00
Previous Cadiz Results  Neither player has played in this venue before
Recent Results 
FIVB 7/3-7/2002 Norway Open 57th 4 US$0.00
FIVB 6/19-23/2002 Switzerland Open 41st 10 US$0.00
FIVB 6/12-16/2002 Germany Open 41st 10 US$0.00
Spain Open Matches
Wed, 8/7/2002 Country Quota Roberto Lopes / Franco Neto, Brazil (23, Q1) Lost 17-21, 25-23, 13-15 1:08
Head to Head Results
Moreira/Silva trail the series against the field 1-4 (Lead 0 Series, Trail 1 Series, 1 Series Tied)
DateTourTournamentRoundWinning TeamSeedLosing TeamSeedScoreTime
Trail the series against # 2 Araujo/Insfran, Brazil 0-3
7/3/02FIVBNorway Open Country Quota Araujo/Insfran 2, Q10 Moreira/Silva 21-19, 23-21 0:47
6/19/02FIVBSwitzerland Open Country Quota Araujo/Insfran 25, Q23 Moreira/Silva 21-19, 21-19 0:51
6/12/02FIVBGermany Open Country Quota Araujo/Insfran Q16 Moreira/Silva 21-17, 21-15 0:44
Series tied with # 23, Q1 Lopes/Neto, Brazil 1-1
8/7/02FIVBSpain Open Country Quota Lopes/Neto 23, Q1 Moreira/Silva 21-17, 23-25, 15-13 1:08
9/12/97FIVBLos Angeles World Championships Moreira/Silva 4 Lopes/Neto 20 12-9, 12-10 2:00