AVP Tour
$125,000 Manhattan Beach Open presented by Bud Light
Friday, August 11, 2006
Match #28: Winner's Bracket Round 3

(2) Holly McPeak/Nicole Branagh
(7) Carrie Dodd/Barbra Fontana
21-17, 16-21, 15-11 (1:06)

Carrie Busch Dodd
Personal Info
Birth Date: May 19, 1974 (50 yrs old)
Home Town: Milwaukee, WI
Height: 6'0"
College(s): Texas
Seasons: 12
Tournaments: 164
Career Wins: 2
Career AVP Wins: 1 (Brooklyn 2009)
Career Winnings: $421,820.00
Barbra Fontana
Personal Info
Birth Date: Sep 8, 1965 (59 yrs old)
Home Town: Manhattan Beach, CA
Height: 5'6"
College(s): Stanford
Seasons: 21
Tournaments: 293
Career Wins: 20
Career AVP Wins: 2
Career Winnings: $1,005,704.50

Holly McPeak
Personal Info
Birth Date: May 15, 1969 (55 yrs old)
Home Town: Manhattan Beach, CA
Height: 5'7"
College(s): California-Berkeley
Seasons: 22
Tournaments: 323
Career Wins: 72
Career AVP Wins: 28
Career Winnings: $1,575,161.00
Nicole Branagh
Photo: Ed Chan
Personal Info
Birth Date: Jan 31, 1979 (46 yrs old)
Home Town: Orinda, CA
Height: 6'2"
College(s): Minnesota
Seasons: 15
Tournaments: 193
Career Wins: 20
Career AVP Wins: 17
Career Winnings: $1,100,692.50

1 2 3
(2) Holly McPeak/Nicole Branagh 21 16 15
(7) Carrie Dodd/Barbra Fontana 17 21 11

Game 1
Statistics Holly McPeak Nicole Branagh Carrie Dodd Barbra Fontana
Attacks 7 16 17 7
Kills 4 10 8 3
Errors 0 4 5 0
Hitting Pct 0.571 0.375 0.176 0.429
Aces 0 1 0 0
Errors 0 0 2 0
Blocks 0 0 0 0
Digs 6 5 1 4
Game 2
Statistics Holly McPeak Nicole Branagh Carrie Dodd Barbra Fontana
Attacks 13 17 17 17
Kills 3 9 9 12
Errors 0 0 2 1
Hitting Pct 0.231 0.529 0.412 0.647
Aces 0 0 0 0
Errors 0 0 0 0
Blocks 0 0 0 0
Digs 3 3 7 12
Game 3
Statistics Holly McPeak Nicole Branagh Carrie Dodd Barbra Fontana
Attacks 6 13 15 5
Kills 4 8 6 2
Errors 0 0 2 1
Hitting Pct 0.667 0.615 0.267 0.200
Aces 0 0 0 0
Errors 0 2 0 0
Blocks 0 0 0 0
Digs 6 2 3 2
Match Total
Statistics Holly McPeak Nicole Branagh Carrie Dodd Barbra Fontana
Attacks 26 46 49 29
Kills 11 27 23 17
Errors 0 4 9 2
Hitting Pct 0.423 0.500 0.286 0.517
Aces 0 1 0 0
Errors 0 2 2 0
Blocks 0 0 0 0
Digs 15 10 11 18

Play By Play
ServerCarrie Dodd
Barbra Fontana
Holly McPeak
Nicole Branagh
Game 1
Barbra Fontana01Holly starts the match with a deep pokey
Nicole Branagh11A couple of digs by Holly but Nicole is in the net and hurts herself on the attack attempt
Carrie Dodd12Holly sharp cross court for the kill
Holly McPeak22Barb finds open court behind the defense
Barbra Fontana23Nicole goes over in two
Nicole Branagh24After a tough jump serve by Nicole, Carrie hits wide
Nicole Branagh34Rally ends when Nicole hits it just out of bounds
Carrie Dodd35Carrie's serve goes in the net
Holly McPeak45Carrie deep pokey for the point
Barbra Fontana46Barb shoots it just long
Nicole Branagh56Carrie's shot goes to the deep corner
Carrie Dodd57Nicole takes a little something off the shot, finds sand
Holly McPeak58Carrie hits wide for first three-point margin
Holly McPeak68Carrie slams down the overset after Holly's dig
Barbra Fontana78Holly's attack goes just wide
Barbra Fontana79Nicole running shot on two good for the point
Nicole Branagh89Carrie answers the tough serve with a hard kill
Carrie Dodd810Nicole successful again on two
Holly McPeak910Nicole hits just long after long rally
Barbra Fontana911Holly over the block and out of reach of Barb
Nicole Branagh1011Barb goes cross court before the technical timeout
Carrie Dodd1012Carrie serves just long
Holly McPeak1013Carrie's shot hits the tape and goes out
Holly McPeak1113Carrie folls the shot over the defense
Barbra Fontana1114Nicole off the hands of Carrie's block
Nicole Branagh1115Nicole's tough serve pays off with an ace off Carrie
Nicole Branagh1116Nicole gets a dig and then a kill for a five-point loead
Nicole Branagh1216Carrie rolls it along the tape and down to the sand
Carrie Dodd1217Nicole on two
Holly McPeak1317Nicole with the dig but ensuing attack goes long
Barbra Fontana1417Nicole's shot fails to clear the net
Barbra Fontana1418Nicole chalks up another kill after a pair of digs
Nicole Branagh1518Barb with a tight cross court shot
Carrie Dodd1519Carrie can't quite get the block and Nicole with the kill
Holly McPeak1520Carrie's shot is ruled just wide
Barbra Fontana1620Carrie extends the match with a kill
Barbra Fontana1720Longest rally of the match ends with a kill by Barb
Barbra Fontana1721Nicole goes over in two and her shot hits the side line
ServerCarrie Dodd
Barbra Fontana
Holly McPeak
Nicole Branagh
Game 2
Nicole Branagh10Barbara shoots to the corner for the first point of game two.
Barbra Fontana11Tough hit by Nicole and Carrie sends it out.
Holly McPeak21Barbara calls 'left' and Carrie shoots down the left line.
Carrie Dodd22Nicole skips a hard kill off the block.
Nicole Branagh32Barbara sends home the kill after a long rally.
Barbra Fontana33Nicole sends a perfectly placed kill down the line.
Holly McPeak43Carrie cuts cross court and drops the point.
Carrie Dodd44Nicole with another perfect shot down the line.
Nicole Branagh54Hard kill by Carrie bounces off Nicole and into the stands.
Barbra Fontana55Barbara's dig is long and into the net; Carrie can't send it over on the rebound.
Holly McPeak65Carrie's shot to the back of the court is just long.
Holly McPeak66Barbara gets a lot of help from the net as she rolls one down the tape and over.
Carrie Dodd76Score is correct, tied at 6. Carrie's shot to the corner is barely in.
Carrie Dodd86Barbara sends one down the line.
Carrie Dodd87Nicole gets one just past a diving Barbara that catches the tape.
Nicole Branagh97Nicole gets a hand on Barbara's kill but it goes under the net to the other side.
Barbra Fontana107Carrie finds the open court for the point.
Barbra Fontana108Holly pokes it over the block
Holly McPeak118Barbara goes to the opposite line and catches the tape
Carrie Dodd119Carrie called for a double hit.
Nicole Branagh129Nice try by Holly on the dig but she can't quite reach it.
Barbra Fontana1210Nicole goes over in two and off the top of the block.
Holly McPeak1211Long set by Barbara that goes over the net. Nicole is there to send it straight back down.
Holly McPeak1311Barbara with the cutter.
Carrie Dodd1411Barbara splits thr defense
Carrie Dodd1511Long shot down the line by Barbara and Nicole can't reach it on the diving attempt.
Carrie Dodd1611Carrie uses the cutter and no one on the other side is anywhere near it.
Carrie Dodd1612Hard kill by Nicole is deflected by Barbara and drops straight down to the sand.
Nicole Branagh1712Barbara crushes one down the line.
Barbra Fontana1713Holly drops it down for the point.
Holly McPeak1714Barbra's shot down th eline is wide.
Holly McPeak1814Carrie ends a good rally with a tap right to the other side of the net.
Carrie Dodd1914Carrie gets the block.
Carrie Dodd1915Carrie's shot down the line is wide.
Nicole Branagh2015Barbra down the line and to the corner.
Barbra Fontana2016Nicole blasts on just over Barbra's head and to the back of the court.
Holly McPeak2116Carrie ends game two with a soft shot to the front of the court.
ServerCarrie Dodd
Barbra Fontana
Holly McPeak
Nicole Branagh
Game 3
Nicole Branagh10Barbra off Nicole's hands and it drops to the sand.
Barbra Fontana20Barbra shoots down the middle and scores.
Barbra Fontana21Holly goes down the line and past the defense.
Holly McPeak31Carrie gets one past Holly cross court.
Carrie Dodd32Nicole goes over in two with a big kill.
Nicole Branagh42Serve is into the net.
Barbra Fontana43Nicole goes over in two again down the line.
Barbra Fontana44Same play by Nicole to the back court and its barely in.
Holly McPeak54Carrie off the block.
Holly McPeak55Nicole picks up a kill. The defense bats it around but can't get it under control.
Nicole Branagh65Double hit on Holly.
Nicole Branagh66Nicole puts it away.
Holly McPeak67Another big kill by Nicole.
Holly McPeak77Server is now correct. Carrie goes for the cutter.
Carrie Dodd78Nice play by Carrie and Barbra on defense, but Barbra's kill attempt is long.
Nicole Branagh88Serve is short.
Barbra Fontana89Holly catches the tape and it drops for a point after a nice rally.
Holly McPeak810Barbra's shot down the line is just out of bounds.
Holly McPeak811Nicole goes over in two with a hook shot to the back of the court.
Holly McPeak911Carrie with a tough shot down the line.
Carrie Dodd912Holly with a soft cutter.
Nicole Branagh913Nicole leaves a crater on the other side with a big kill.
Nicole Branagh1013Carrie finds the back corner of the court.
Barbra Fontana1014Holly with the cut shot to set up match point.
Holly McPeak1114Nicole gets a block - if it stays in game over - but it is just wide. Still match point.
Carrie Dodd1115Carrie ends it with a kill into the net.